Letter To The Editor: About That Lack Of Transparency, Accountability, Responsible Behavior…

2022-09-04 14:27:06 By : Mr. Allen Bao

By KEI DAVIS Los Alamos

In Support of “Enough is enough” and a shout out to Aaron Walker, too.

In his recent letter (Link), Richard Skolnik, as ever, hits the nail on the head, and doesn’t mince words. 

(Transparency, accountability, and responsible behavior? Surely you’re joking, Mr. Skolnik!)

I noticed one omission, perhaps deliberate in the interest of keeping the message succinct.

The second bullet list is not entirely parallel with the first, omitting a comment on the responsible use of consultants. This is a can of worms that somehow needs to be addressed. Mr. Skolnik identifies one symptom of the problem, hiring consultants and largely ignoring their findings.

I will highlight two more: 

One shouldn’t need reminding that these practices, beyond creating smoke screens and providing illusions of due diligence, cost significant taxpayer money.

A sincere shout out to Aaron Walker, too. (Link) At least some of our citizens (probably most of them, but not normally publicly vocal), and even some of our county council members, have their heads screwed on straight.

Descending into very base humor, maybe I should get in on the graft and start my own company, Klown Konsultants LLC. (Gotta hide behind that LLC, isn’t that the current way in these parts? 

I wouldn’t want to be personally liable for Klown Konsultants Krappy Kounsel ™!) The county does seek to patronize local businesses, right? Roll a few hundred grand my way–I can pontificate almost credibly on anything!

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